Member Directory Software
Acquire and Retain More Members with Dynamic Member Directories.

Easily embed directories on your existing website using iframes or CSS. We also offer a WordPress plugin to make it even simpler for those with a WordPress website to share dynamic directories with the public.
Say goodbye to manual list updates. When a member’s dues lapse or they make changes to their profile, the updates are reflected on your website in real-time, reducing the burden on your admin team.
Empower users to find members easily with advanced filtering options. You can set the filters for criteria such as country, company, city, and more, enabling users to find members who match specific criteria.
Empower users to find members easily with advanced filtering options. You can set the filters for criteria such as country, company, city, and more, enabling users to find members who match specific criteria.
Create a large directory of all your members and tailored directories of specific member groups to highlight members that meet certain criteria, such as student members, new members, international members, members by country or geographic region, and members who are a part of a specific interest group or topic groups. Directories also don't have to be based off of membership groups, they can be any contact group like, executive committees, boards, program committees, award winners, etc.
Create a large directory of all your members and tailored directories of specific member groups to highlight members that meet certain criteria, such as student members, new members, international members, members by country or geographic region, and members who are a part of a specific interest group or topic groups. Directories also don't have to be based off of membership groups, they can be any contact group like, executive committees, boards, program committees, award winners, etc.
Tailor your member directory to display the most pertinent and useful member information, enhancing your directory’s value for both members and external users.
Benefit from X-CD’s extensive support throughout the setup process, allowing you to launch your member directory quickly and start using it as a tool to attract new members.
453 Abstract Collection Sites
103,365 Submissions Collected
65,551 Presentations Scheduled
104,900 Peer Reviews Completed
21,890 Scheduled Sessions
320,689 Authors & Co-Authors
34,022 Disclosures/Speaker Forms
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