Credit Management

Give your attendees the freedom to claim credits quickly and easily directly from your conference mobile app or digital platform. Attendees can check in and evaluate session and download their personalized certificates and transcripts in real time

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  • Create unique certificate templates for each credit type that is offered
  • Tie credits to your accredited sessions (linked to the X-CD program module)
  • Configure credits site to your specific accreditation body requirements
  • Track and distribute credits to attendees based on the sessions they attend and/or evaluate
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  • Transcript style certificates list all of the credits the claimant has earned broken down by session
  • Cumulative credits tallied up and summed by credit type
  • Offers a detailed view of all credits earned, per event, per session
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Session Evaluations

  • A single session evaluation can be linked to all sessions
  • Multiple Sessions evaluations can be created and linked to specific sessions i.e oral session evaluations vs workshop session evaluations
  • No need to recreate a new session evaluation for each session
  • Session evaluations are embedded directly into conference mobile app for seamless credit claiming, and easy feedback
  • Detailed session reporting
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Overall Conference Evaluations

  • Credit site can be configured such that the user must complete an overall conference evaluation in order to claim/download/email their CE certificate
  • Ensures very high completion rate of overall conference evaluation
  • Overall conference evaluation reporting

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X-CD provides the industry’s most robust suite of integrated software for academic associations and conferences. Manage all aspects of your complex membership and conference management processes though a single cohesive platform.

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