What’s new in X-CD

X-CD updates and changes

See what's new in X-CD and what we're gradually rolling out. ✨

February 2025

  • Exhibitor Floorplan Font Size
  • You can now adjust the font size in the exhibitor floorplan screen: 

Public Program Updates
  • Child submission authors are now searchable within the public program
  • Search Modal button label can now be edited
Corporate Membership Affiliation Tool
  • If you believe you have a variety of contacts who have organization filled out with something approximating an existing company, you can use the affiliation discovery tool in the companies module (advanced menu) to find those cases and affiliate those users.
Reviewer Signup Form Setup
  • You can review the track associations in your reviewers signup form by going to edit the track field:

  • And you can try to auto-associate tracks with this tool in the field management area:

Manage Disclosures for Submissions
  • You can now add more clarity for archived disclosures to manage them more effectively

Mobile App – My Connections
  • This new feature allows attendees to easily collect contact information from other attendees by scanning the other attendees badge. 
  • Once a connection has been made, it will also be saved making it easy to look them up again in the future.   
  • To enable this feature, go to your privacy settings within the mobile app 

January 2025

Final Status Hotkeys
  • We’ve augmented the final status hotkeys area with a modal that has a variety of additional hotkey options to excelerate workflows. 
  • This enhancement makes it easier for adminstrators to process submissions efficiently, reducing time spent inserting various status updates manually.
Reviewer Summary Report
  • Previously the “Extended Scoring Summary” produced a report with one row per submission and aggregated results.
  • Now administrators can check “Include All Review Fields” which will include all of the review fields within the report. 
Mobile App: Exhibitor Directory
  • We have enhanced the UI within the exhibitor directory in the mobile app to provide a more consistent exhibitor logo display, regardless of the image size.
  • This update will also provide a uniform look to exhibitors that do not populate an image.

December 2024

Meeting Scheduling in Mobile App
  • Our new mobile app feature allows attendees to schedule one-on-one meetings with other conference participants and seamlessly add the meeting slot to their personal itinerary.
  • Attendees can either create available time slots for others to book or request meetings by selecting an available time slot on another attendee’s profile. 
  • Once the user (who created the slot) gets a request, they can either accept or reject the meeting – if accepted, the meeting will be automatically added to both users’ itineraries.

November 2024

Track & Sub-Track Filters
  • When working with tracks and sub-tracks, selecting a track filter in the chair or review module will automatically update the sub-track options. Only the relevant sub-tracks will remain visible, making it easier to focus on applicable choices.
Parent/Child Limits
  • Set separate limits for the number of Parent and Child submissions a user can be the primary submitter for.
  • Previously, only a combined overall limit was available for both Parent and Child submissions.
  • If a user reaches their Parent limit, the system will notify: “You’ve reached your submission limit.”
  • If a user reaches their Child limit, they won’t appear in the system when adding Child submissions to a Parent.
  • Configure these limits in the Parent/Child settings.
Accidental Price Changes
  • We noticed that several clients were accidentally changing prices when trying to scroll through the settings page in the attendee module option settings.
  • We’ve disabled using the mouse scroll for those inputs so that these little mistakes don’t happen again.
Reseller Client Management
  • In order to help our resellers, we’ve added a couple of new tools to their client management screen to facilitate client management:
    • You can now mark a client as “archived”. This won’t deactivate any modules or remove any data, just move them to a new tab.
    • Archived clients tab, now displays all archived clients.
    • Client Admins can now be removed. When removed, we will remove their admin access in all of your client sites (by email address).
Migrate Program Chairs
  • Align submission tracks and track chairs with program tracks and program track chairs when they are fully or mostly matched.
  • Use the Migrate Program Chairs feature in the Chair Module to streamline the conversion process.
Disclosure Repository
  • Improved management of society disclosures with better checks for presenter and co-author visibility settings.
  • Downloads and emails now respect these visibility settings.
  • Updated email labels for clarity on who will receive the communication.
Enhanced Session Conflict Checks
  • You can now check for conflicts among all authors, not just presenters and session chairs.
  • We’ve also added role-specific details (Presenter, Co-Author, Session Chair, Custom Roles) to improve clarity.
  • Try it out in the Program module under Sessions > Session Conflicts.
Quick Registration Enhancement
  • We’ve updated Quick Registration to make it easier to use – previously, it required sending individual links to known users, but now you can share a public link that prompts login and directs users to the one-click registration process.
  •  This enhancement simplifies setup for free registration rates, especially for webinars.
X-CD Academy: Session & Tag Views
  • Conferences in X-CD Academy can now be displayed by session or grouped by tags using the category route.
  • Previously, users would see the entire conference collection and filter by session, but this update offers a more streamlined browsing experience.

October 2024

Variable Abstract Payments
  • This feature provides the ability to add variable pricing for clients that require payment in order to submit abstracts.
  • These alternative prices can be based on dates (i.e. early-bird versus standard pricing), by contact group or by country.
  • Discounts can also be configured for payments.
Final Status Batch Upload History
  • Mistakes can happen when running status imports or batch assignments. This feature allows admins to see previous batch history and revert their changes if necessary.
  • Reversals are accessible on the “Batch History” page from: Review Submissions -> Final Status -> Batch History
  • This is also applicable to review modules tied to a form.
Chair Review Update
  • Chairs can now review presentation’s papers by session from within the chair site’s program module
  • This new display option also includes extended session details for session chairs.

September 2024

Membership Updates
  • In order to improve our membership module, we’ve made a few changes. The changes reflect our efforts to improve the consistency of your associations historical membership data. Currently, manually managed memberships, imported memberships, and free memberships, have varying consistencies of historical tracking. Going forward, these three types of memberships will have the same level of historical data as regular paid memberships. This provides clients with better analytics and reporting, leading to actionable insights.

Membership Management in Admin Site:

  • When managing individual memberships in the admin site, you will now have to create a membership with a valid active period and expiration period, based on the dues category.
  • We provide you with the ability to Add a Membership, Deactivate Access to that membership (temporary measure), Renew a Membership, Change a Membership (move the active period), or even remove their access (permanent measure).
  • This will apply even to lifetime memberships and unpaid memberships.
  • This will ensure that we have a clean membership history for this user.

Membership Imports:

  • In keeping with the above, you will no longer be able to use the contacts import to import users into contacts groups that are membership groups.

  • You will instead use the new Membership Import, which requires you to submit a valid email address, a dues category, and a valid expiration.

  • This Import will indicate if any records could not proceed because of a membership conflict for a given user.

  • It also has a revert function (beta). When you see the errors at the end of the import, you can decide if it makes sense to manually address a handful of errors, or to just undo the import (within 24 hrs) and retry with an updated import.

Membership Reports:

  • We have a new dashboard that is the first step in providing new ways to look at your membership.
  • We have included two updated analytics charts: Transition and Historical Membership
    • Transition: Have you ever wondered if your efforts to upgrade student members to regular members are bearing fruit? Or if you were able to retain your premium memberships between two years? This chart lets you see where members have gone relative to where they started, between two membership years (if you have a fixed membership year) or within a period (if you have rolling membership).
    • Historical Membership: This chart is a time machine, allowing you to go back in your membership history to a particular day, and review your membership.
  • We are planning to release more charts in the future, so stay tuned, and let us know if there’s something missing.
Reviewer Assignment Wizard
  • If you are using a reviewer pool, and would like to assign reviewers for all submissions in all tracks, you can try out the new assignment wizard (beta). Go to the current assignment wizard, then click on the Try New Assignment Wizard button.
Exhibitor Staff Registration Pending Discount

  • Require Staff Self Registration: If staff self registration is required – then the company administrator will not be able to edit the staff members registration and each staff member attending will need to login and complete their registration. A shareable link is created for the administrator to provide to the attending staff member to enter the attendee registration where the discount will be applied upon reaching the checkout screen.
  • Staff Discounts Pending: If yes then when a staff member is assigned a discount it will not become active until the admin or staff member completes the attendee’s staff registration
  • Display Staff Registration Share Link: Will display a button on the discounted staff members panel to share a login link to the attendee registration, allowing the staff member to be able to complete their attendee registration.
  • Pending Discount explanation:
    • Company admins will assign discounted tickets as per usual, from the exhibitor module staff registration screen.

    • Staff given the pending discount will not have any items added or discounted to their invoice until they complete their registration in the staff registration or the regular attendee registration.

    • Pending discounts will be read-only fields and the discounted item is automatically selected for the staff member, a message is displayed to the user relaying this information.

    • The discount is applied on the checkout screen in the attendee module or when the registration modal pop-up is submitted or the staff registration screen in the exhibitor module.

    • Site admins have the ability to apply pending discounts to attendee registrations

    • Pending discounts will automatically be applied on the attendee overview screen if they have all required fields in their registration. If all conditions are not met, an alert will display that the attendee has a pending discount.

Mobile App Updates
  • The author roles ribbon now displays within the mobile app on presenter cards
  • Users can now rate presentations using the Star Rating feature within the mobile app

August 2024

Country Display Logic by Country Groups
  • We saw that several of our clients offer rates to certain groups of countries, often dividing them into developed and developing. This tool is meant for those groups to greatly reduce the amount of time they spend setting this up.
  • Instead of selecting the countries one by one, you can now create custom groups of countries. Go to the contacts module, select contact form, then manage countries. On the right side of the screen, under country priorities, you’ll find country groups.

  • Use this area to create your country groups and give them a label. Then return to configuring your registration option. Where you would previously select individual countries, you can now identify individual countries or individual country groups.
Display logic in Booths Floorplan
  • This feature is  for clients who want booths to only be available to sponsors at specific sponsor levels.
  • Once you’ve set up your booth floorplan, you can go to the settings again and under Booth Management, select List Booths, then click on the “exclusive” or “premium” booth. Now, you will see “Display if Other Option Selected”, just like in the other modules. Select the option which grants them access to this booth.
Form Module Payments
  • Form Module Payments has always been a bit of a highly customized add-on, so the functionality relating to invoices has been limited to generating and sending invoices at the time of payment. This update adds the following:
    • Screen for transaction history with one row per transaction (includes failed transactions)

    • Screen for payments (one row per form submission)

      • Link to download the invoice.

    • Download invoice button under the user’s payment information in the form submission’s manage screen.

July 2024

Conference Letters / Certificates
  • Our new update allows administrators to create multiple letters for any module as well as conference letters, which was previously limited to one per module.
  • Conference letters also now include a [ProgramParticipation] hotkey which pulls all presenter & chair responsibilities in the program and displays each session they participated in.
  • Access this new area by clicking on the conference name and then click the “Letters” tab
Conference Letters / Certificates
  • Our new update allows administrators to create multiple letters for any module as well as conference letters, which was previously limited to one per module.
  • Conference letters also now include a [ProgramParticipation] hotkey which pulls all presenter & chair responsibilities in the program and displays each session they participated in.
    • Access this new area by clicking on the conference name and then click the “Letters” tab

June 2024

Mobile App Updates 
Home Screen
  • New layout with tabs to view:
    • Itinerary feed added directly to home screen
    • Upcoming sessions added directly to home screen
Exhibitor Floor Plan
  • Embedded floor plan added into mobile app to compliment the directory view
  • Click on booths to read company profiles
  • Click on the booth number to find the company’s location
Mobile App/VC Auto-Login Links
  • When adding an external link to the navigation on a Mobile App or Virtual Conference, you can now tell the system to convert it to an auto-login link. This is somewhat old but wasn’t announced earlier. Some use cases include:
    • Links to evaluation forms
    • Links to attendee registration, to add additional items
Misc Abstract Changes 
  • Submission steps are now hidden after the deadline.

  • Speaker Screen in microsite updated for a more modern look and responsiveness.

Speaker Portal Updates & Overview
  • In order to improve the tools available for managing speakers, we’ve added unified file uploads to the speaker portal.
  • The speaker portal helps manage your speakers by providing a single screen which displays everything a speaker/chair should know going into the conference, including:
    • Session & presentation times
    • Other speakers within their session
    • Chair responsibilities
    • RSVP responses
    • Registration status for the event & more..
  • Recently, poster & presentation uploads were added, allowing everything to be managed on one screen.
Authorize.net and Paypal
  •  If a client using Authorize.net and would like to add paypal, they can get a paypal account, and then link both accounts from the authorize.net dashboard. 
  • This allows users to use Paypal as a payment option in addition to processing a credit card with Authorize.net

May 2024

Advanced Speaker Upload Notifications
  • New feature to allow conference organizers to set automated correspondences when a specific action is taken on a submission. Actions can be:
    • When a Draft Paper is Submitted
    • When a Final Paper is Submitted
    • When a Presentation is Uploaded
  • These actions can then trigger custom actions/emails which can go to: 
    • Assigned Reviewers
    • Related Track Chairs
    • Primary Submitter
Managing Contact Groups Update
  • The contact group management area has been updated with more specific tabs to select from when making changes to existing contact groups
Managing a Contacts Relation to a Group
  • Instead of a single page listing all groups, the user group management area has been separated into sections for easier management of member and non-member groups.
  • Click HERE to learn more about these updates within our knowledgebase
Attendee Module Admin Registration Screen Updates
  • Significant updates have been implemented to the Attendee module Admin Registration menu screens to provide a clearer interface when managing an attendee’s registration items
  • Click HERE to learn more about these updates within our knowledgebase

April 2024

Onsite Digital Signage
  • Custom digital screen output intended for television monitors that display real-time information about current/upcoming sessions in a specific set of rooms
  • Option to group the session output by session tracks
Session Note Taking – Mobile App & VC
  • Note taking feature for attendees accessible within sessions
  • Export notes taken post conference
Lead Retrieval Re-Design
  • Modernized look and feel to the exhibitor lead retrieval app
Virtual App Video Variable Bitrate
  • Upload high quality video; and then convert the low and medium bitrate for better playback on weaker internet speeds
Mobile App: Author Directory
  • Specific directory displaying just program participants
    • Just presenters OR presenters + co-authors
    • Optionally include session chairs
Minor Form Adjustments
  • Updated alignment of fields
  • Added max character count to text fields in abstract module
Time Block Management and Track Chair Drag and Drop
  • Admin can now import time blocks by going to Imports in the program module and import time blocks
  • Program track chairs who have time block management enabled, will be able to drag and drop sessions into time blocks within their program tracks

March 2024

Quick Batch Session Creation
  • Simply enter session titles categorized by session type
  • MFA is a security enhancement that reduces the risk of unauthorized users accessing data within your conference site.
UI for restricting reviewers from same state or institution
  • Enable a setting that will smartly not assign reviews to people in the same institution or state as the submitting author
Reviewer Split Screen
  • Give reviewers a preference choice of how they read and submit their review questionnaire
  • Offer a modern user interface that allows them to read and make the decisions side-by-side
Track chairs can edit reviewer sign up form in TC module
  • Chairs can create and submit their invited reviewers and adjust their areas of expertise as need
Badge Preview Function
  • Attendees can build and edit their badge as they flow through the registration portal
  • Last minute changes are always immediately reflected in the X-CD OnSite badge printing app 
RSVP Module
  • Speaker RSVP module is now available to all clients using the abstract or speaker management modules
  • Speaker RSVP allows administrators to send invitations to speakers, track acceptances, and follow up with those who have not responded

February 2024

Enhanced Admin Security: Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is now available for administrators  accessing client data through the admin site.
  • MFA is a security enhancement that reduces the risk of unauthorized users accessing data within your conference site.
  • If you would like MFA enabled for your client site, please reach out to your X-CD support contact or submit a support ticket.
Speaker Portal Display Modes: Module vs Session
  • These modes allow clients to configure speaker data in two different ways based on their preference.
  1. Module Mode: displays a card for each module, indicating the status of the module, the status of the submitters participation, and the outcomes of the various reviews.

      2. Session Mode: provides a central place for a speaker to learn about their responsibilities during a conference, including presenting & chairing.

Chair Site Updates
  • For clients using a reviewer sign-up form, your chairs may decide that someone is not qualified for their track.
    • Instead of requiring and admin to intervene, you can allow track chairs to remove a reviewer’s track selection from their signup form in the chair site.
  • Track associations are no longer required when building your reviewer sign up form
    • Although they can make things easier for track chairs.
Speaker Advanced Notifications
  • This new feature provides administrators flexibility to send special notifications when specific actions take place within the abstract & speaker management system. 
  • Advanced notifications allow you to trigger email to go out whenever:
    • A draft paper is submitted (first time, or updated)
    • A final paper is submitted (first time, or updated)
    • A presentation is submitted (first time, or updated)
    • A submission is submitted (first time, or updated)
  • Go to Speaker Module, Settings, Advanced, Advanced Notifications.

January 2024

Attendee Networking in Mobile App
  • Give attendees the opportunity to get contact information of attendees by scanning (with their X-CD mobile app) the QR code on their badge
  • Once the attendee has scanned someone’s badge, they have made a connection with that attendee and can see their phone number and email in their Connections list on the Participants screen
  • Requires having the attendee QR code printed on their badge (see our onsite badge printing options)
Single Child Style for Parent-Child Submission
  • Instead of allowing the parent to add multiple child submissions at a time, this feature forces the parent to add 1 record at a time.
  • This feature should be used when the child must submit an entire abstract form instead of just a title & author name. 
    • The full form will lead to a complete submission being created.
  • In the standard multi-child format, children are created without a full submission and could be deemed as “incomplete” by the conference organizers.
Duplicate Conference Mobile App & Public Program Pages
  • This update allows you to duplicate the custom pages created for past conferences for your upcoming conference, alleviating the need to start from scratch.
    • Select from a list of conferences with pages to copy and then select the pages to be copied over.
  • This function is only applicable to the following page types:
    • Custom text
    • Accordion
    • PDF
    • External Link
    • Image
Duplicate Program Tracks
  • Ability to copy distinct program track from other conferences that have program tracks
    • Submission tracks cannot be copied over and must be manually connected to the duplicated progam tracks.
Duplicate Session Types
  • Ability to copy distinct session types from other conferences to your upcoming conference. 
Chair V3 Module – Batch Email Reviewers
  • Chairs now have the ability to batch email reviewers within their track from their chair dashboard.
  • Chairs can also email reviewers individually and monitor response activity.

December 2023

Chairs (V3) Email Authors
  • The configuration enables a button to send emails to speakers through the chair site. Once configured the button will open a modal to draft an email to the presenter. 
    • You can also elect to copy the email to other chairs within the track by enabling the function and adding their emails.
Coloured Session Tags
  • Add colours to your program tags to give them more prominence
Split-Screen Review Mode
  • Allows reviewers to simultaneously view submissions on the left side of their screen and the scoring rubric on the right
  • Boost reviewer productivity as this view reduces the need to scroll from submission to scoring rubric

November 2023

Mobile App Flyer
  • Branded PDF download containing conference banner and mobile app QR code
  • PDF can be printed a poster and displayed at regisration desk enabling attendees to easily download the conference app
Swapping Registration Items
  • Instead of deleting and adding a new option, use the Swap Items option under Registration when managing an attendee’s registration
  • E.g. A good feature to use when wanting to apply the early bird rate to a registration once the date has passed
  • Also used if the attendee has selected the wrong item and it needs to be changed

October 2023

In-App Voting
  • Give attendees the ability to vote on Best Poster or Best Paper by using the mobile app In-App Voting.
  • The results tally in the admin site in the Event app area
Display Total Percentage of Score in Review Module
  • Reviews can be displayed as a percentage on reviewer front end site, not just the total score

September 2023

Cross Field Discount Codes
  • Create a discount code that applies to multiple fields (different from golden ticket)
  • E.g Discount applies to registration rate, event ticket but not merchandise – the discount will be applied to all fields included in the discount
Discount Codes at Checkout
  • For an easier registration experience, discount codes can be applied at checkout
  • Enable the Display Checkout Screen Discount Entry so your attendees can apply their discount code at the end instead of under the field it applies to
  • This is especially handy when you have created a cross field discount (see above)

August 2023

Attendee Itinerary Download (Hotkey)
  • Found within the attendee module reports, this hotkey will generate a unique link allowing attendees to download a PDF overview of their itinerary
  • Itinerary items include:
    • Favourited sessions
    • Sessions attendee is connected to as chair or speaker
    • Pre-registered sessions
Picture Rotator
  • From the admin site, rotate profile photos if they have been uploaded with the wrong orientation

July 2023

Room Mapping – Floorplans, Output on Public Program
  • Connect your venue floorplans to your online program and mobile app
  • Create multiple floorplans (for venues with multiple buildings or floors) and map your rooms to the floorplan
  • Creates a pin on the map so an attendee can see where to find the room
Custom Registration Confirmations
  • Configure custom payment confirmation emails based on registration items
  • I.e. a specific confirmation if someone signed up for a workshop or about a ticket to an event

June 2023

Clone Review Assignments
  • Allows administrators to easily clone review assignments over from previous review module as opposed to starting from scratc
  • This functionality is useful for clients with multiple review stages
Print Single Submission in Reviewer Portal
  • Give reviewers the option to print a single abstract to view offline/print
  • Previous option allowed them to only print all the abstracts they have been assigned to

May 2023

New Report: Live Participation
  • This report provides a detailed overview of all live sessions within the program
  • Useful for administrators managing a virtual event with concurrent live streamed sessions
  • Report is a CSV download that includes all session details as well as embedded live streaming channel information
Global Credit Summary Download
  • Give reviewers the option to print a single abstract to view offline/print
  • Previous option allowed them to only print all the abstracts they have been assigned to

April 2023

User Accessible Abstracts
  • Administrators can now add and assign author roles that give the user access to edit/contribute to a submission.
  • Co-authors assigned with this type of author riles will have the same permissions as the primary contact & presenter.
  • Co-authors without this author role will continue to solely have read-only access to submissions

March 2023

New Report: Incomplete Attendee
  • This report queries attendees who checked-in at the event but are still listed as incomplete registrants.
  • Useful to monitor attendees that owe money post-conference.

February 2023

Digital Session Signage
  • Custom output of all applicable session information (title, track, chairs, speakers, presentation times, etc.)
  • Replaces need to print physical signage and swap sessions while allowing last minute updates for changes within sessions

January 2023

Email Attendees by Participation Type
  • When emailing attendees using a report, administrators have the ability to easily filter by participation type (In-person, hybrid, online only)
  • Allows administrators to send email communications to specific attendee types

December 2022

Session Logistics Management
  • From your program module you can now add, manage, and export session logistics information like Audio/Visual requirements and Food and Beverage needs.
  • An admin is able to create custom fields either on a room – or on specific sessions for creating their event BEO.

November 2022

Redesigned Mobile App
  • As in person conferences resume, we have released a brand new version of our conference mobile app! A sleek redesign makes our new mobile app not only more user friendly, sleek and intuitive for attendees, but it also makes browsing rich media like videos, posters, and live streams perfect for hybrid events. Our mobile app can essentially a mirrored version of your hybrid platform, but optimized for on site attendees

October 2022

File Explorer
  • We have made managing your database files much easier with our new and improved file explorer. You can now create folders to organize all of your files and content and quickly access URLS of your content for future use. 


September 2022

Multi-Stage Review Module
  • Create multiple review modules, within a single submission module with its own reviewers, review cycle, settings etc.
  • Run your standard abstract review with a group of reviewers, review questions, and final status assignments, while simultaneously running a separate disclosure review with different reviewers, questions and final statuses.

August 2022

Continuing Education Credits Import
  • You can now import Credits & Evaluations for Sessions in bulk after your sessions and program are all created.
  • Export a csv of conference sessions – apply credit information data to csv and import back to apply credit hours to sessions

July 2022

Updates to Schedule Sessions screen
  • Create multiple review modules, within a single submission module with its own reviewers, review cycle, settings etc.
  • Unscheduled sessions containing a single abstract will display the abstract submission ID number in brackets after the Title.

June 2022

Global Speaker Disclosures
  • Global speaker disclosures allow you to ask your speakers to submit their COIs and disclosures in one step.
  • Once submitted, speakers can indicate which disclosures are relevant to their abstracts, and keep them up to date as their financial relationships change with organizations over time.

May 2022

Closed Caption Speaker Editor
  • When a presenter records or uploads their pre recorded presentation video to their submission, X-CD can transcribe or closed caption the video file.
  • Sometimes academic research content can contain specialized scientific words and jargon that the transcription service doesn’t caption correctly.
  • This tool allows your speakers to edit their transcription/closed caption text sentence by sentence to ensure 100% accuracy.

April 2022

Login Link to Module in Complete Attendee Wizard
  • When creating your email template using the Complete Attendee Wizard, you can now include the [LoginLinkToModule] hotkey which will automatically log the incomplete attendee into their registrant shopping cart to complete their registration.