Attendee Registration

Whether you run a simple one day course or a week long international congress - we have a solution to fit your needs. From online registration, data and financial management, through to onsite registration and badge printing, we have the tools to help you streamline your registration process

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Streamlined User Experience

  • Create a customized registration form based on your event needs - whether simple or complex
  • Custom registration forms with "conditional logic" (if this, then show that), and "display if logic" (if user is part of this group, show these rates)
  • Ability to collect different payment types (cheques, purchase orders, wire transfer, etc.)
  • Revenue generated will flow directly into bank account on file (no processing fee from X-CD)
  • Payments records & invoices recorded and stored in system
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Attendee Management

  • Robust form capabilities for complex conferences
  • Extensive out-of-the-box reporting and communications tools
  • Customizable certificates of attendance
  • Discount code management
  • Automated email reminder system to encourage registration on cart abandonment
  • Easily clone event registration from one event to another, or year-to-year
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Reporting & Communications

  • Robust reporting tools allow you to segment granular data and pull custom fields into the precise report you need
  • Easily save and share frequently run reports
  • Automate email sequences to run daily, weekly, or on scheduled days
  • Hotkeys and merge tags pull user information & login links to personalize bulk emails
  • Email analytics track delivery status and records all email history
  • Create custom email templates branded for specific events/newsletters
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Advanced Registration Features

  • Session registration allows you to sell tickets or collect information on specific sessions
  • If a ticket is purchased for a specific session, the X-CD OnSite Admin App can be used to scan the attendees badge to ensure they have pre purchased or signed up to attend to the session
  • Session Waitlists can kick in if a capacity has been reached for a session
  • Advanced Tax Logic for multiple tax rates (e.g. state/province or variable country VAT
  • Collect payment in a number of international currencies
  • Run registration in multiple languages
  • Manage and support attendees on site with our Badge Printing and On Site Registration Solutions

Payment Processors

Pay Pal

Related Products

Group Registration

Tools to allow groups of affiliated attendees register at the same time with a consolidated group invoice

Exhibitor & Sponsor Registration

Company registration for booth purchases, an interactive booth selection tool, sponsorship, and staff management

X-CD provides the industry’s most robust suite of integrated software for academic associations and conferences. Manage all aspects of your complex membership and conference management processes though a single cohesive platform.

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