Virtual Conferences

X-CD's Virtual Conference Platform allows conferences to deliver and share content completely digitally in an integrated and streamlined manner.

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Speaker Self Recording App

  • Oral and poster presenters can self record presentations directly from their speaker portal
  • No additional software or downloads required
  • Record audio, video, and screen sharing directly from your browser
  • MP4's are automatically connected to submission and flow into Virtual Platform and ultimately any video archives
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Self Hosted Live Streaming

  • Simple integration with Zoom, allows a zoom meeting host to live stream standard Zoom meeting into X-CD Virtual Platform
  • X-CD provides pre configured Zoom Accounts ready to stream into platform with a single click
  • No need for third party AV companies to avoid production and streaming costs
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ePoster Platform

  • Poster presenters can upload digital poster PDFs, and record short oral poster presentations
  • Participants can view posters, pan and zoom, and watch and listen to MP4 while browsing poster
  • Office hours allow for small group video chats inside the poster hall
  • Hundreds of poster conversations can happen simultaneously in office hour rooms
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Evaluations & Continuing Education

  • X-CDs CE module can be fully integrated with virtual platform
  • Attendees can evaluate sessions as they happen
  • Attendees earn credits automatically by watching and evaluating sessions
  • A personalized certificate is generated and grows based on the number of sessions the participant attends
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Virtual Exhibit Hall

  • Exhibit hall is connected to X-CD Exhibitor Registration module
  • As exhibitors register and build their company profiles they are automatically added to the virtual exhibit hall
  • Exhibitors can upload company resources (PDFs, Videos, Products)
  • Meeting scheduler allows attendees to schedule meetings with exhibitors

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Hybrid Conferences

Stream sessions from your physical venue and expand to a global audience of remote attendees

Webinar Series

Run a recurring series of short live streamed webinars through a professional platform to grow and engage your community

X-CD provides the industry’s most robust suite of integrated software for academic associations and conferences. Manage all aspects of your complex membership and conference management processes though a single cohesive platform.

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